Pole dance is now regarded as a form of exercise.
Yes it’s fun and yes it helps get you fit!
Some people's perception of pole dance is promoting sexual form of dance, erotic like the one they see in strip clubs and night clubs. But wait, come to think of it as a form of fitness exercise. Let's try to see the goods side of it.
What are the Exercise Benefits of Pole Dancing?
Burning CaloriesCan burn as many as 250 calories which is similar to a good gym session
Builds Muscle and TonesSupporting your entire weight with one arm can be challenging and will build your upper body. It also helps strengthen your stomach muscles and you can, if you go regularly expect to see increased muscle definition in your bottom, arms and thighs
Beats DepressionThe physical exertion makes your body release the happy hormones – endorphins making you feel better and more energetic.
It Builds Your Self-Confidence
Once you get the basics down and strengthen your muscles a bit, you will quickly begin to develop some serious skills and a body that makes heads turn. Being confident isn’t just about your state of mind – you will actually start to walk tall and improve your posture. Your skills on the pole will translate into real life and you will be able to move with the nimbleness and graciousness of a cat.
It’s Good for Your Bones and Joints
Joint pain is a serious and persistent issue for many people and women in particular have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. Developing strong bones and connective tissue, along with increasing joint mobility, helps significantly decrease the risk of osteoporosis in women. Since you are not putting huge stress on your joints, as you would if you were running or skipping rope, pole dancing is a very safe form of exercise. Due to the fact that you are constantly strengthening the muscles in your hands by gripping the pole, common repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome can also be avoided.
It’s Good for Your Heart and Blood Flow
Pole dancing is as good for your heart as any form of moderate-to-intense aerobic training, and since all the muscles are being engaged at some point, regular exercise promotes blood flow. This is particularly important for women who live a sedentary lifestyle and spend hours sitting in a chair.
Really, I'm kinda new to this but I love it. I don't spend much time doing pole due to work/personal schedule and activities but when I have the time, I make sure I learn something new. I'll be posting my progress as I go along this journey.
My Pole Journey
Pole Stripdance
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